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EE210 Snímač RV+T pro náročné aplikace

Humidity and Temperature Transmitter for demanding Climate Control Applications

EE210 Snímač RV+T pro náročné aplikace

The EE210 transmitter, available for wall or duct mounting, is designed for the highly accurate measurement of humidity and tempera-
ture in demanding climate control applications. The EE210 incorporates the E+E humidity and temperature sensor HCT01.
For use in special applications do not hesitate to contact E+E Elektronik or a local distributor.

• For accurate measurement it is essential that the temperature of the sensing probe and mainly of the sensing head is same as the
temperature of the air to measure. Avoid mounting the EE210 transmitter in a way which creates temperature gradients along the
• The transmitter and mainly the sensing head shall not be exposed to extreme mechanical stress.
• The transmitter must be operated with the filter cap on at all times.Do not touch the sensors inside the sensing head.
• While replacing the filter cap ( because of pollution for instance) against an original E+E spare one please take very good care to
not touch the sensors

HUMLOG 20 Záznamník RV+T+atm tlak

HUMLOG 20 Záznamník RV+T+atm tlak

EE220 Lehký průmyslový snímač RV+T s vyměnitelnou sondou

EE220 Lehký průmyslový snímač RV+T s vyměnitelnou sondou

EE10 Interiérový snímač RV+T

EE10 Interiérový snímač RV+T

Jiří Malášek
Jiří Malášek

tel.: +420 603 381 153


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