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EE33 Průmyslový snímač RV+T

Humidity / Temperature Transmitter for High Humidity and Chemical Applications

EE33 Průmyslový snímač RV+T

The  highly  accurate  EE32/33  series  are  designed  for  fast  and  reliable  measurement  of  relative  humidity  /  dew  point  temperature  /  absolute  humidity / ...under the most demanding conditions.
Neither  condensation  nor  heavy  chemical  pollutions  will  affect  prompt  and  reliable  measurements.  Process  pressures  as  high  as  100  bar  (1450  psi)  and  continuous high humidity are also no problem for the EE32/33 series.
The core of the EE32/33 series is the new monolithic measurement cell type HMC1, manufactured in thin-film technology by E+E Elektronik.
Chemical contamination and also condensation will actually evaporate due to the  innovative  design  of  the  HMC1  measurement  cell.  The  monolithic  construction  of  the  sensor  allows  a  fast  return  to  normal  conditions  and  a  continuation of the measurement.
Additionally,  with  the  inimitable  E+E  sensor  coating  the  HMC1  measurement  cell  is  even  better  protected  against  corrosive  and  short-circuit-causing  conductive soils.

Distinctive  models  and  mounting  versions  allow  the  EE32/33  series  to  be  utilized in numerous applications:

• Measurement of relative humidity during temporary condensation:
   the measurement cell is briefly heated, but very intense

•  Measurement of dew point temperature at continuous high humidity (EE33 only):
   the measurement cell is controlled and heated continuously

• Measurement of relative humidity at continuous high humidity:
   the measurement cell is controlled and heated continuously;
   an additional temperature sensor is added

• Measurement  of  relative  humidity  at  high  chemical  exposure  and  average   humidity:
   the measurement cell is briefly heated, but very intense

Measurement of relative humidity at process pressure up to 100bar (1450psi) and average humidity:
   the measurement cell is installed in a special high pressure probe

The  configuration  software  included  in  the  scope  of  supply  allows  user  friendly  setup of the operation / sensor heating mode as well as selection and adjustment of the electrical outputs.

EE300EX Snímač RV+T do prostředí s nebezpečím výbuchu

EE300EX Snímač RV+T do prostředí s nebezpečím výbuchu

EE210 Snímač RV+T pro náročné aplikace

EE210 Snímač RV+T pro náročné aplikace

EE31 Průmyslový snímač RV+T

EE31 Průmyslový snímač RV+T

Jiří Malášek
Jiří Malášek

tel.: +420 603 381 153


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