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The CK350-VN has a 384x288 IR detector which generates 110592 pixels to give a clear, detailed visual. The CK350-VN has a wide temperature range of -20~250°C, up to 2000°C with a temperature measurement accuracy of ±2°C or 2% of a reading.
The CK350-VN has a digital camera which automatically focuses and has optical zoom of 23x. This is a great feature, if the user is monitoring a large area such as a forest allowing them to zoom on certain points of interest. For example, perhaps a part of the forest area that is prone to fires reigniting after a forest fire. Multiple palette modes are available which allows the user to select the palette that is most suitable to their application
The CK350-W has a 384x288 IR detector which generates 110592 pixels to give a clear, detailed visual. The CK350-W has a wide temperature range of -20~250°C, up to 2000°C with a temperature measurement accuracy of ±2°C or 2% of a reading.
INTROL Automation s.r.o.
Švabinského 1700/4, 702 00 Ostrava, tel. +420 603 381 153, introl@introl.cz
INTROL Automation s.r.o. je součástí Skupiny Introl, zapsané na Burze Cenných Papírů ve Varšavě
Průtokoměry termické hmotnostní, průtokoměry vírové (Vortex), ultrazvukové průtokoměry, termovizní kamery, analyzátory bioplynu, bezdrátový přenos, diagnostika pro stroje a zařízení, procesní vizuální kamery, vlhkoměry pro sypké materiály