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Termovizní kamera D600 640x480

The SATIR D600 is a new performance thermography camera that has been developed from the D300 Mid-Level Model. The D600 shares many of the same features as the D300 but has a higher performing infrared detector of 640x480. The 640x480 IR detector generates 307,200 powerful pixels which will deliver excellent imaging and video recordings to the end-user.

Termovizní kamera D600 640x480

The D600 has three imaging modes, digital, IR and Duo Vision Plus. Duo Vision Plus is SATIR’s newest imaging mode which incorporates a digital and infrared/thermal image, giving the end-user more detail on thermal images.

The D600 comes with a touch screen that will auto focus to ensure the user has a clearly focused thermal image. This means when generating a report, the image is already focused which enables accurate evaluation and analysis. It also has a motorised lens which allows the user to focus the camera manually by using the keypad.

The D600 has a long battery life of 5 hours plus meaning it can be used for a long day of surveying without being charged.

The D600 also has a laser ranger finder that acts as a laser pointer and can help tell the end-users the distance of the target.

There are a number of measurement features that are on the D600 such as 8 movable spots, auto hot/cold spot, 2 area boxes, isotherm, line which all help to give the end-user a greater analysis of the target. It has a temperature alarm which can be useful if you want to spot any abnormal temperature readings. The temperature alarm can be set by the end-user to suit their survey.

When buying the SATIR D600 you will receive a Calibration Cert, Bluetooth headset, type-C USB Cable, touchscreen stylus and 1GB USB Wristband. If you need additional accessories in the future these can be brought from the SATIR Store or via your account manager.

• 640x480 IR Detector
• IR/Digital/Duo Vision Plus
• Optional Lenses Available
• Laser Ranger Finder
• Measurement Tools


Inteligentní termokamera S1

Inteligentní termokamera S1

Termovizní kamera D300 Autofocus

Termovizní kamera D300 Autofocus

Jiří Malášek
Jiří Malášek

tel.: +420 603 381 153


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