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EE99-01 OEM snímač RV+T

Humidity and temperature module for climate chambers

EE99-01 OEM snímač RV+T

The high accuracy humidity and temperature module EE99-1 fulfills the specific requirements of climate chambers.

The high-end E+E humidity sensor element and outstanding temperature compensation provide excellent performance over the broad working range. Pluggable screw terminals allow for quick replacement of the module, leaving the wiring intact. Field adjustment can be easily performed using push-buttons.

The proprietary E+E sensor coating protects the sensor and its leads against corrosive and electrically conductive pollution.

Key Features
• highest measurement accuracy
• wide working range
• outstanding temperature compensation
• sensor protection against pollution and corrosion
• durable and heat tolerant
• passive temperature sensor
• remote sensing probe up to 10m
• easy field calibration
• easy installation and replacement

• environmental chambers
• climate chambers
• test chambers
• dryers
• incubators

EE04 Modul snímání RV+T pro sušičky

EE04 Modul snímání RV+T pro sušičky

EE03 Miniaturní modul snímání RV+T

EE03 Miniaturní modul snímání RV+T

EE08 Kompaktní snímač RV+T s datovým výstupem

EE08 Kompaktní snímač RV+T s datovým výstupem

Jiří Malášek
Jiří Malášek

tel.: +420 603 381 153


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